Red Light Therapy Before and After

The main function of Red light therapy is to be a catalyst for better cellular health and speeding up the body’s ability to heal. This is why it’s used as a method to address numerous problems in the body including acne, psoriasis and burns. This is based on professional studies and trials performed by researchers around the world, you can find examples on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.

In this article, we have broken down the effects of Red Light Therapy on a range of issues, giving you the picture before and after treatment. Please note that iRed does not intend to diagnose, cure, or prevent specific diseases or medical conditions listed below with Red Light Therapy. 


What is it caused by?

Acne is a very common inflammatory skin condition that affects between 40 million and 50 million individuals in the US alone. It’s caused when tiny holes in the skin (hair follicles) become blocked. This overproduction of oil and bacteria contribute to unwanted acne.

How does Red Light Therapy Help

Studies have shown that using red light is effective in treating mild to moderate inflammatory acne lesions. The combined wavelengths of 630nm:850nm generated by LEDs penetrate the skin to power up the cells and repair the skin from the inside, leading to faster healing and prevention of further tissue damage.

Insect Bites

What is it caused by?

Insect bites are most commonly caused by mosquitoes, spiders and mites. They typically inject formic acid into the skin, which can lead to blisters, inflammation, redness, swelling, itching and general irritation. This greatly varies from person to person – with some people exhibiting worse effects than others.

How does Red Light Therapy Help

It is suggested that Red Light devices can be used to speed up healing of bite wounds or skin punctures by increasing blood flow to the area, lowering inflammation and improving overall cellular regeneration and the healing process.



What is it caused by?

Bruises are something that nearly everyone has dealt with in one way or another – and they are typically formed when small blood vessels near the skin’s surface are broken by an injury (such as a fall or blow to the skin).

How does Red Light Therapy Help

Similar to the Insect bites, this method of healing works by delivering a nutrient-rich blood supply to the affected area more quickly, in order to repair and aid in the formation of new blood capillaries. Using consistently can help to reduce the appearance of bruises.

Minor Burns


What is it caused by?

Another painful problem that people are at risk of developing are minor burns. This can happen due to fires, hot liquid spillages, electrical currents and chemicals. 

How does Red Light Therapy Help

It is always recommended to apply cold water on any burn immediately as you usually would before trying Red Light treatments. The idea is to cool the area and then use light to increase the blood supply to the area so that the body’s natural defences and repair mechanisms will be able to do their work faster.



What is it caused by?

Unfortunately, Psoriasis is a common skin disease that affects around 8 million Americans, causing red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. It currently has no cure and is long-term, causing a lot of inconvenience for those who are afflicted. 

How does Red Light Therapy Help

Red light is a great option to help with the effects of Psoriasis as it has barely any side effects. It has shown to stimulate production of new capillaries to increase delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin, improve collagen production to soothe the skin and stimulate ATP production in the cells (the production of adenosine triphosphate). 

Sleep Insomnia


What is it caused by?

Insomnia is a common sleep condition which affects around 30% of adults in the US, and makes it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or not be able to get back to sleep. Most sufferers will still feel tired when they wake up, leading to lower energy and mood levels, poorer work performance and overall quality of life.

How does Red Light Therapy Help

The theory is that red light wavelengths stimulate the production of melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone that helps you sleep. Take this study on Red Light and Sleep Quality, which found that 14 days treatment improved the sleep, serum melatonin level and endurance performance of elite female basketball players.

Sun Damage


What is it caused by?

Sun damage is a common problem that is caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight and UV rays. This damage can cause DNA changes at a cellular level and is most likely if a person does not apply sunscreen.

How does Red Light Therapy Help

In theory, red light therapy can be used to increase the body’s production of collagen and elastin, as well as an increased immune response that helps clear away dead cells and repair damaged ones affected by sun damage.



What is it caused by?

Wrinkles are most commonly caused by age, exposure to UV light and smoking. The first wrinkles on the body tend to appear on the face, where the skin naturally folds during facial expressions. They develop due to skin becoming less elastic over prolonged periods of time, and are a concerning issue for many people around the world.

How does Red Light Therapy Help

As we described above, red light therapy products can help boost collagen and the production of fibroblasts to correct the stages of aging. It has been shown to work well on under eye wrinkles, forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet.

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